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Catalogue of the Mammalia and Birds of New Guinea, in the Collection of the British Museum by British Museum. Department ... ISBN: 9781175121080 List Price: $22.75
Uncertain Legacy Essays on the Pursuit of Liberty by McLean, Edward B., McInerny... ISBN: 9781882926152 List Price: $14.95
Catalogue of Ruminant Mammalia (Pecora, Linnaeus) in the British Museum by British Museum. Department ... ISBN: 9781115238526 List Price: $24.99
Catalogue of Ruminant Mammalia (Pecora, Linnaeus) in the British Museum by British Museum. Department ... ISBN: 9781115238489 List Price: $19.75
Catalogue of Ruminant Mammalia (Pecora, Linnaeus) in the British Museum by British Museum. Department ... ISBN: 9781115238502 List Price: $19.75
Figures of Mollucous Animals selected from Various Authors, Volume IV by Gray, John Edward, Gray, Ma... ISBN: 9781117148038 List Price: $32.99
Catalogue of Ruminant Mammalia (Pecora, Linnaeus) in the British Museum by British Museum. Department ... ISBN: 9781115238540 List Price: $28.99
List of the specimens of hemipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum by W S. 1824-1890 Dallas, John... ISBN: 9781172761654 List Price: $45.75
Guide to the systematic distribution of Mollusca in the British museum by John Edward Gray ISBN: 9781172898091 List Price: $26.75
The poetical works of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie, and Collins by John Milton, Edward Young, ... ISBN: 9781172890897 List Price: $41.75
Hand Catalogue of Postage Stamps : For the Use of Collectors (1862) by Gray, John Edward ISBN: 9781168858016 List Price: $25.56
Supplement to the Catalogue of Seals and Whales in the British Museum by Gray, John Edward ISBN: 9781169245853 List Price: $27.96
Genera of Plants : A Fragment, Containing A Part of Liriogamae (1866) by Salisbury, Richard Anthony,... ISBN: 9781169265424 List Price: $29.56
Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria and Supplement of the Blattari in the Co... by Walker, Francis, British Mu... ISBN: 9781175061423 List Price: $26.75
List of the Specimens of the British Animals in the Collection of the British Museum by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781171533931 List Price: $26.75
Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria and Supplement of the BlattariƦ in the C... by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781171672852 List Price: $25.75
Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum by British Museum (Natural His... ISBN: 9781171669333 List Price: $48.75
List of the Specimens of the Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum by Walker, Francis, British Mu... ISBN: 9781171905790 List Price: $27.75
Catalogue of Sea-Pens or Pennatulariidae in the Collection of the British Museum by Gray, John Edward ISBN: 9781171956754 List Price: $15.75
Catalogue of the Specimens of Heteropterous-Hemiptera in the Collection of the British Museu... by Gray, John Edward, British ... ISBN: 9781172364602 List Price: $22.75
List of the Specimens of the Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, ... by Walker, Francis, Gray, John... ISBN: 9781168089250 List Price: $22.36
List of the Specimens of the Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, ... by Walker, Francis, Gray, John... ISBN: 9781168212627 List Price: $34.36
Manual of the Land and Fresh-Water Shells of the British Islands : Ith figures of each of th... by Turton, William, Gray, John... ISBN: 9781177562126 List Price: $33.75
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